Indicate your availability for this week by 5 PM on Thursday.
​Saturday Start Times: 10:00 AM, 11:30 AM or 1PM.
Monday Start Times: 6:30 PM or 8 PM.
Allow up to two (2) hours for match lengths.
Select the most flexible option you can accommodate.
To be guaranteed a playing time, you must choose "1x - Saturday or Monday" or "2x - Saturday and Monday".
​Selection Guide
​0x - Out This Week: You are 100% not available on Saturday or Monday.
1x - Saturday or Monday: You are available on Saturday and Monday but only want to play on one of those days.
1x - Saturday Only: You are 100% not available on Monday but you can play on Saturday. If you select this option and the Saturday session is full, you will be left off the schedule.
1x - Monday Only: 100% cannot play on Saturday but you can play on Monday. If you select this option and the Monday session is full, you will be left off the schedule.
2x - Saturday and Monday: You are available on Saturday and Monday and you are willing to play both days if there is an opening. This does not guarantee two sessions.
Neat! Cya soon :)